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Internal Rotatory Inspection System Internal Rotatory Inspection System
Internal Rotatory Inspection System
Internal Rotatory Inspection System

Internal Rotatory Inspection System

Product Details:


Product Description

IRIS is used ofinspecting the internal of tupes/pipes which otherwise are not accessible fortesting with any other methods. Unlike Eddy Current Testing or RFET, it cantell us the exact thickness of the are under inspection and the flaw itself.

With Internal Rotary Inspection System, we can detect 
corrosion, pitting and wallloss and is commonly used for tube inspection in boilers, heat exchangers, aircoolers and feed water heaters. It is particularly versatile as it is suitablefor both ferrous and non-ferrous materials, and IRIS can be used on a widerange of tube diameters and wall thicknesses. 

An IRIS probe is inserted into a tube flooded with water. The probe is fittedwith a turbine and a transducer that generates an ultrasonic pulse along a pathparallel to the axis of the tube. A rotating mirror directs the ultrasonicpulse into the tube wall. The mirror is driven by a small turbine that isrotated by the pressure of water pumped into the tube.

Ultrasonic Pulses are reflected from the outer dia of the tube and then returnto the IRIS probe/sensor and gives us the indication of flaw, if any.

As the IRIS probe is pulled, the spinning motion of the mirror results in ahelical scan path ensuring full coverage of the tube.

Benefits of using IRIS include:

  • Suitability for both ferrous and non-ferrous materials
  • Detection of corrosion, pitting and thickness loss
  • Accurate wall thickness measurements
  • Sensitivity to both internal and external defects
  • Defect position can be located in relation to tube length
  • Complete coverage of the tube
  • Results data storage
  • Flexibility as a back-up to remote field, magnetic flux leakage and eddy current inspections.

Areas Served :- Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Punjab, Maharashtra, Bihar, Rajasthan, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Madhya Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Gujarat, Sikkim, Greater Noida, Ghaziabad, Noida, Nepal, Entire North India and South India, United Arab Emirates, Dubai, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Africa, Egypt, Bahrain, Oman, etc.

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  • 50
  • 100
  • 200
  • 250
  • 500
  • 1000+
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