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Related Inspection & Testing Services

We have established ourselves in the marketplace as a trusted service provider offering Inspection Testing Services. These services include Boresonic Inspections, Fluorescent Magnetic Particle Inspection, Lifting Equipment Inspection, Remaining Life Assessment, etc. These services are highly reliable in determining the properties of a material or product and finding out any flaws. Advanced techniques and instruments are utilized in conducting these services in a reliable manner. Industry standards are followed, test goals are defined and the type of material is considered before performing any tests. We have a team of highly experienced staff who perform the Inspection & Testing Services with perfection.

Product Image (UFD)

Ultrasonic Flaw Detection

Ultrasonic Testing can be used to test welds, plates, pipes, castings, forgings, etc.

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Visual Testing Services

Visual inspection is the first inspection that is done to ascertain the general quality of product.

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Magnetic Particle Testing Services

Magnetic Particle Testing is used for checking ferromagnetic items. Defects like crack, pinholes, undercut, etc. are detected. It is based on the principle of magnetic flux leakage.

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Bend Testing Services

Bend testing of metals is used to determine the bending properties of metals under load. Plates, pipes, welds, etc. can be tested. Tests are done of Universal Testing Machines.

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Positive Material Identification Testing Services

PMI can be used for identification of various grades of stainless steels, copper alloys, nickel alloys and high alloy steels.

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Hardness Testing Services

Hardness Testing can be done at site to determine condition of metal parts.

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Liquid Penetrant Testing Services

Dye Penetrant Testing is one of the most simple and versatile method of NDT for detection of flaws which are open to the surface.

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Helium Leak Detection Services

Helium Leak Detection uses helium gas for detection of leakages in Pressure Vessels, Heat Exchangers, Valves, Tubings, Pipelines, etc.

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Ultrasonic Testing of Rotor Bearing

Babbitt Bearings could be checked for debonding using Ultrasonic Testing. ITE has team of experts who specialise in inspection of such bearings.

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Ultrasonic Thickness Measurement Services

Ultrasonic Thickness Gauging is can be used to determne thickness of various types of jobs and items whose remaining thickness assessment is very important for proper functioning of the whole plant or related components.

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Mass Spectrometer Based Helium Leak Detection

Condensers can be testing using helium gas and MSLD for leakages.

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Automated Ultrasonic Testing Systems

Ultrasonic Testing can be automated or semi automated using various scanners based on different applications.

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Dye Penetrant Testing Services

Dye Penetrant Testing is done to identify flaws on the surface of the materials. Penetrant, Developer and Cleaner are used.