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Advanced Non Destructive Testing

Product Image (TOFD)

Time of Flight Diffraction

Time of Flight Diffraction which is also known as TOFD is one of the most advanced form of Ultrasonic Testing for inspection of welds.

Product Image (HLT)

Helium Leak Testing

Helium leak testing services are used to identify very small leakages which could not be traced using conventional leak detection methods.

Product Image (BS)

Borescopic Inspection Services

Borescopy or videoscopy or borescopic inspection is used in areas which are inaccessible in normal conditions. The inaccessibility of those areas may be because of their size or risk associated with reaching them.

Product Image (RFET)

Remote Field Eddy Current Testing of Heat Exchanger Tubes

Remote Field Eddy Current Testing or RFET is used for testing heat exchanger tubes which are ferromagnetic in nature generally made up of carbon steel or alloy steels.

Product Image (ECT)

Eddy Current Testing of Heat Exchanger Tubes (ECT)

Eddy Current testing is used for wide variety of applications. One of the most prominent one being inspection of tubes of heat exchangers. All those tubes which are non ferromagnetic in nature can be tested using ECT.

Product Image (CHLD)

Online Condenser Helium Leak Testing

Helium gas along with Mass Spectrometer based Helium Leak Detector can be used to detect leakages in the condenser units of power plants.

Product Image (PAUTB)

Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing of Boiler Tubes (PAUT)

PAUT for boiler tubes is very handy inspection methodology. It can completely eliminate the requirement for RT for testing of boiler tubes.

Product Image (OSM)

Oxide Scale Measurement of for boiler tubes

Ultrasonic Oxide Scale Measurement is generally employed for testing of boiler tubes in power plant for deposition of oxides on the internal surface of the boiler tubes

Product Image (PAUT)

Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing

Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing also referred to as PAUT is advanced form of Ultrasonic Testing which is widely used now for inspection of welds and other items . In various cases, RT has also been replaced by PAUT.

Product Image (IRIS)

Internal Rotatory Inspection System

Internal Rotatory Inspection System also referred to as IRIS is Ultrasonic Testing method for testing of small bore tubes from inside. This method can help inspectors ascertain the actual thickness of the tubes which could not be properly ascertained in ECT or/and IRIS.