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Online Condenser Helium Leak Testing Online Condenser Helium Leak Testing Online Condenser Helium Leak Testing Online Condenser Helium Leak Testing Online Condenser Helium Leak Testing
Online Condenser Helium Leak Testing
Online Condenser Helium Leak Testing Online Condenser Helium Leak Testing Online Condenser Helium Leak Testing Online Condenser Helium Leak Testing

Online Condenser Helium Leak Testing

Product Details:


Product Description

There are various challengesfaced by the teams looking after the operation of turbines in any power plant.The most common of such challenge is maintaining proper vacuum in the condenserto ensure proper output. If the vacuum gets reduced below certain point due toany leakage, then the turbine cannot generate sufficient or desired electricityit is designed for. This leads to significant loss of revenue. Over a period oftime, ITE Has developed capabilities in providing solutions to the customers inidentification of Air Ingress Points throughout the negative pressure part ofthe condenser unit just below the turbine without the need of switching of theturbine. The system could be tested in the running condition and areas could beidentified for repair and maintenance at the next opportunity. Helium Gas isused as a tracer gas which is sprayed over the areas suspected for leakages. Ifthere is any leakage, the helium gas will be sucked in the system and detectedat the exit point where Sniffer probe of the Helium Leak Detector is held.

ITE has been providing theseOnline Condenser Leak Testing services also sometime referred as NegativePressure Part Online Leak Testing to organizations like NTPC, Gujarat StateElectricity Corporation  Limited, MadhyaPradesh Power Generation Corporation Limited, etc. to name a few.

Areas Served :- Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Punjab, Maharashtra, Bihar, Rajasthan, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Madhya Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Gujarat, Sikkim, Greater Noida, Ghaziabad, Noida, Nepal, Entire North India and South India, United Arab Emirates, Dubai, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Africa, Egypt, Bahrain, Oman, etc.

Product details

Type Of Testing Machines

Leak Detector

Display Type



Vessels, Valves, Pipelines, Heat Exchangers, Condensers

Machine Type

Mass Spectrometer based Leak Detector

Testing Type

Helium Leak Testing Services (HLT)

Service Type

Non Destructive Testing

Test Location

Pan India


Mechanical, Electrical, Automotive, Aeronautical, Fabrcation, etc.

Certification Scheme


Testing Methodology

Helium Leak Testing

Sampling Procedure

As required

Application Type


Product Type

Valves, Condenser, Pipelines, Heat Exchangers, Tanks, Vessels


Sniffer Method

Value Data Report On


Sector Type

Power Generation

Vacuum Type

Pressure Vacuum

Standard Authorities


Duration Of Tests

1 Day

Testing Technique

Sniffer,Tracer Probe,Hood Method

Weld Verification Required


Tell us about your requirement


Select Unit

  • 50
  • 100
  • 200
  • 250
  • 500
  • 1000+
Additional detail
Mobile number
