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Time of Flight Diffraction Time of Flight Diffraction
Time of Flight Diffraction
Time of Flight Diffraction

Time of Flight Diffraction

Product Details:


Product Description

Diffraction is a common ultrasonic phenomenon andoccurs under much broader conditions than just longitudinal-longitudinaldiffraction as used in typical TOFD examinations. This interpretation guide isprimarily aimed at longitudinal-longitudinal diffraction TOFD setups usingseparated transducers on either side of the weld on a plate, pipe, or curvedvessel


Althoughtime-of-flight diffraction can be used for a variety of applications, it isprimarily used for weld testing of circumferential and axial welded joints,also known as perpendicular TOFD scanning. Since the time of introduction ofTOFD, the use of this non destructive testing technique has steadily increased.Manual execution is possible with TOFD, however, it is most commonly performedin combination with a recording device like an encoder or/and a scanner. To achievecertain code compliance, TOFD is sometimes coupled with pulse-echo or phasedarray techniques in order to cover the root and cap regions of the weld.

Product details 

Test Location



Mechanical Engineering

Certification Scheme

Employer Based Certification

Components Of Testing

Butt Welding Joints

Type Of Material


Application Type

Mechanical Engineering

Testing Methodology

Ultrasonic Testing

Place Of Testing


Testing Type

Welding Test

Service Type

New Construction and Inspection


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  • 50
  • 100
  • 200
  • 250
  • 500
  • 1000+
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